List up 10 very hard English vocabulary and its definition.


Certainly! Here are 10 challenging English vocabulary words along with their definitions:

Sesquipedalian (adj.): Characterized by long words; long-winded or verbose.
Example: His sesquipedalian speech often left his audience bewildered.
Obstreperous (adj.): Noisy and difficult to control; unruly.
Example: The obstreperous crowd refused to disperse even after repeated warnings.
Perspicacious (adj.): Having a keen understanding or insight; perceptive.
Example: The perspicacious detective quickly solved the complex case.
Quixotic (adj.): Extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
Example: His quixotic dreams of world peace seemed noble but unattainable.
Mellifluous (adj.): Sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
Example: She possessed a mellifluous voice that captivated everyone who listened.
Sagacious (adj.): Wise and insightful; showing good judgment.
Example: The sagacious elder offered invaluable advice to the younger members of the community.
Obfuscate (v.): To deliberately make something unclear or confusing.
Example: The politician attempted to obfuscate the issue by using vague language.
Sycophant (n.): A person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage; a flatterer.
Example: The sycophant constantly showered the boss with praise in hopes of receiving a promotion.
Ineffable (adj.): Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words; indescribable.
Example: The beauty of the sunset was ineffable, leaving everyone speechless.
Pulchritudinous (adj.): Characterized by physical beauty; attractive.
Example: The actress was known not only for her talent but also for her pulchritudinous appearance.


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