Japanese prime minister Kishida once said that company’s benefit should return for the employee, not for the shareholders but the shareholders is comapny’s owner, right? I think Kishida is unfair because shareholders taking risks to govern the company so they have the right to receive the benefit. This is the principal of the capitalism. How do you think about the Kishida’s remark?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions, but I can provide you with some context and information to con...

How can I endure the fluctuation of the stocks?

Enduring the fluctuations of the stock market can be challenging, especially if you're new to investing. However, here a...

If I buy every stocks that indicates MACD buying signal, can I win?

Using the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator to identify buying signals for stocks can be a useful t...

What does “sunk cost” mean?

The term "sunk cost" refers to a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered or undone, regardless of an...

What is ROE?

ROE stands for "Return on Equity," which is a financial ratio that measures how much profit a company generates in relat...

List 3 American companies which is similar to SBI Sumishin Net Bank Ltd.

SBI Sumishin Net Bank Ltd. is a Japanese online bank that provides digital banking services. While there are no exact eq...

Comparing to Japanese banks, Japanese restaurants are having relatively high PER and PBR. Why?

The reason why Japanese restaurants may have a higher Price-to-Earnings Ratio (PER) and Price-to-Book Ratio (PBR) compar...


得意のイナゴジャンプ 日本初のネット銀行の上場は上場以来、ものすごい勢いで連日、高値を更新し、大変なお祭り騒ぎで、小生の頭のオンボロ・アンテナもそれらの狂騒をキャッチし、得意のジャンピング・イナゴ・キャッチいたしました。(図はイメージです)...


私は、車の免許を持っていないのですが、プジョーの車が好きです。特にライオンが、立っている時代のロゴが好きです。他の自動車メーカーと違って、キチッとしていないところが好きでした。今は、けっこう無難なデザインに変わってしまったようです。 最近の...


私は、もう、余生に対して現世的な望みはもう何もないのだが、一昨日はシチズン時計の株を買いました。(購入数:100株 単価:607円) 投資というと、人によっては現世的な望みの極致というニュアンスもあるだろうけれど、私の場合は自分の持っている...
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