【簡単】【実例】Chat GPTで英検1級面接対策する簡単な方法



無料でパソコンかスマホさえあれば誰でも使える(2023年3月17日現在)Chat GPTを使って英検1級の面接に対策する方法を解説します。

  1. まずこちらのサイトに登録します。
  2. つづいて過去問を参考に、質問を英語で打ち込みます。「こういう問題がでそうだな」というのがあれば、自分の予想する問題を打ち込むのも、ありだと思います。
  3. その時にコツがあり、質問のあとに、Answer with X reasons.と一文いれてください(Xには自分の欲しい回答数を入力)この一文がなくても大丈夫ですが、理由が一つしかなかったりするので、3~5の理由を提示させるのがお勧めです。
  4. 出力されたら、あとは、それを印刷して読んだり、テキストでローカルに保存して置いて読んだりするだけ。このサイトは自分のアカウントにログが残るので、単にブラウザでブックマークしておくだけでもokです。
  5. 実際の英検1級の面接の最初のスピーチで示す理由はせいぜい2つか、3つくらいだと思いますが、回答パターンを読んでおくことで、だいぶ回答しやすくなります。


実際に私自身、上記の方法で面接対策を行い、その成果かどうかはわからないが、2023年3月の英検1級の面接に合格することができました。10くらいの過去問をChat GPTに問いかけ、4か5つくらいの返答させ、50くらいの回答例を作成して、プリンターで印刷して鞄に忍ばせて、暇なときにパラパラ読んでいました。ご参考に、実際に私がChat GPTに質問した質問文3例と、回答文3例を下記に示します。(Chat GPTの回答は著作権フリーですが、下記の回答は全文、当該サイトからの引用であることを明記しておきます。)

  • Q1: Should the Internet be censored? answer with four reasons.
  • A1:The question of whether or not the Internet should be censored is a complex and controversial one. Here are four reasons why censorship of the Internet may be considered:
    1. To protect national security and prevent the spread of harmful information, such as terrorist propaganda or instructions for making weapons.
    2. To protect children from harmful or inappropriate content, such as child pornography or online predators.
    3. To prevent the spread of hate speech or misinformation that can incite violence or discrimination.
    4. To protect intellectual property rights, by preventing the unauthorized sharing of copyrighted material.

    On the other hand, some argue that censorship of the internet would limit freedom of speech and information. It would also prevent access to knowledge and resources that could help to promote human rights, democracy and social progress. Moreover, censorship can be difficult to implement effectively, as determined individuals can often find ways to bypass it.

    It’s important to note that censorship can also have unintended consequences, such as the chilling of free expression and the possibility of abuse of power by those who control the censorship.

  • Q2:Can Japan’s rural communities be revitalized? answer with four reasons
  • A2:It is possible for Japan’s rural communities to be revitalized, but it would depend on a variety of factors. Here are four reasons why it may be possible:
    1. Japan’s rural areas have a rich cultural and historical heritage that can be leveraged for tourism, which can provide economic opportunities for the local community.
    2. Japan has a shortage of agricultural land and rural areas have a significant potential for agricultural and fishery production, which can be revitalized by investing in technology, infrastructure and young farmers.
    3. Japan has a rapidly aging population, and many rural areas are facing depopulation. Policies to attract young people and families to move to rural areas can help to revitalize these communities.
    4. Japan has a well-developed transportation infrastructure, which can be used to link rural areas with urban areas, providing access to markets and other resources. This can help to create opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas.

    Overall, revitalizing rural communities would require a comprehensive approach that addresses economic, social, and demographic factors and involves a range of stakeholders, including local residents, governments and private sector.

  • Q3:Agree or disagree: It is too late to prevent climate change:answer with four reasons
  • A3:I am a machine learning model and do not have personal opinion. However, based on the scientific consensus, it may be difficult but not impossible to prevent the worst effects of climate change. Here are four reasons:
    1. The amount of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere is likely to cause some level of warming and associated impacts, regardless of future emissions.
    2. Mitigation efforts, such as transitioning to clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, can still help limit the magnitude and rate of warming and mitigate associated impacts.
    3. Adaptation measures, such as building sea walls and drought-resistant crops, can help communities and ecosystems cope with the effects of climate change that are already happening or are inevitable.
    4. Taking action now is likely to be less expensive and more effective than waiting and having to take more extreme measures later.



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