Why AI is getting better so fast nowadays?


There are several reasons why AI is improving rapidly nowadays:

  1. Big Data: With the increasing amount of data available to train AI models, the algorithms have access to more information than ever before. This allows them to learn and make predictions more accurately.
  2. More Advanced Algorithms: The development of more advanced algorithms such as deep learning and neural networks has allowed AI models to learn from complex and unstructured data such as images, videos, and natural language.
  3. Computing Power: The availability of high-performance computing resources such as GPUs and TPUs has significantly improved the training speed and efficiency of AI models.
  4. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The collaboration between experts from different fields, such as computer science, mathematics, and neuroscience, has led to new insights and innovations in the development of AI.
  5. Open-Source Community: The open-source community has made significant contributions to the development of AI by sharing code, models, and datasets. This has accelerated the pace of innovation and allowed more people to participate in the development of AI.

Overall, the combination of these factors has led to a rapid improvement in AI performance and capabilities in recent years.


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